Kuwait's Leading online source of financials and banks data the indispensable
tool for anyone analyzing corporate Kuwait and GCC Largest Banks
Consolidated balance sheets and income statements for conventional banks, Islamic banks and for the whole commercial banking sector.
Summarized financial data and financial ratios of the largest banks in the GCC, organized by country from Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Balance sheets and income statements of all non-bank financial companies listed on the Kuwait stock exchange.
Balance sheets and income statements of all non-financial companies listed on the Kuwait stock Exchange.
Most essential financial and stock market data including share price information, market value and related indicators. Covers all companies listed on the Kuwait Stock Exchange.
Benchmarking is a process for obtaining a measure which focuses on best practice and strives for continuous improvement. It is needed to maintain competitive edge.
Financial ratios are classified according to what they measure: performance, profitability, liquidity, efficiency, leverage, valuation and growth.
Filtering is used to extract data and the process begins with a general set of parameters to rule out companies that clearly do not fit the investor's objectives.
Fidaa joined IBS in 1992. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, with a focus on banking and finance, from Kuwait University and is a qualified member of the Institute of Certified Professional Managers.
Fidaa has been involved in writing over 55 analytical studies in a number of fields covering finance, credit, marketing, investment, management, organization, economy, human resources development and e-banking.
Fajer graduated in 2017 from Kuwait University, she holds a bachelor's degree from Collogue of Business administration, a major of finance and financial institution. She has been working in IBS since 2018, under consultancy and research department with a title of a researcher.
Annually preparing a number of research studies relating to financial and economic subjects which are important to the banking sector in Kuwait.
For more than 30 years, IBS has been collecting financial data for all KSE- listed companies and this service aims to provide a financial analysis in a way that reflects the activity for each sector to enable the data users take the advantages from the data and make comparison between the companies. Furthermore, it provides financial analysis for all GCC banks, both conventional and Islamic.
Tools and analytical functions have been added to ensure this service can be easily utilized.
The aim of this publication is to raise awareness in the target audience; it is written in Arabic and consists of financial and economic information in non-technical language for those who are not specialized.
A co-operation between various departments to help and facilitate the different duties of the IBS. For instance, studying the training needs in Kuwait and following up the most important international certificates in the country. Furthermore, preparing the agenda and the annual calendar for the IBS.
Wether you're looking for answers, would like to get a bayanati services, or would like to solve a problem, we'll help you resolve your issues quickly and easily.
Tel : (+965) 2290 1100
Email: bayanati@kibs.edu.kw